Organic Fertilizer Production

Green Orchid is Redefining the Use of Organic Fertilisers in India

Farmers and all types of growers worldwide are constantly searching for ways to optimise production and their crop’s health. Unfortunately, many agriculture companies try to mislead farmers into believing that their products are organic.

But at Green Orchid, we are redefining organic fertiliser production in India. The traditional fertilisers used by most farmers are notorious for causing health-related issues. Moreover, using chemical fertilisers can adversely affect the ecosystem.

To address these types of issues in Northeast India, we are producing organic fertilisers. Our organic fertilisers can drastically optimise crop production. Learn more about our organic fertilisers by consulting with us.

Know about our Vermicompost Organic Fertilizer Production

We are the pioneers of vermicompost production in India. Vermicompost is the excreta of earthworms and comprises humus in abundance. In our specialised farms, the earthworms consume manure and cow dung to reduce vermicompost in large quantities.

Farming of earthworms and rearing them goes through numerous stages. Our in-house experts are adept at supervising all these stages. The vermicompost derived from the earthworms is rich in organic nutrients. The compost derived from earthworms is an excellent soil conditioner. To learn about our vermicompost organic fertiliser production, consult with us.   


Boosting Organic Fertiliser Production in Assam

With a mandate for eco-friendly producing high-quality organic fertilisers, we strive to produce safe and effective bio solutions. Our quality products of international standards have been developed through virulent and efficacious strains.

We have a wide range of organic fertilisers suitable for growing different types of crops. At Green Orchid, we have been the trendsetter in developing organic fertilisers. Our organic fertiliser production plant in Assam is fully equipped with the latest machines. Our manufacturing plants are compliant with cGMP norms. We have adequate supporting utilities to produce the best quality organic fertilisers.

At Green Orchid, we have a predefined set of processes that help us to produce the best quality organic fertilisers. Here are the fertiliser production processes we follow at our plant.

Pre-Treatment of the Raw Materials

We pre-treat the raw materials before processing them. The main raw materials of organic fertilisers are straw and husk of grains, sawdust, etc. Moreover, to decrease the compost time, our organic fertiliser production plant decreases the size of the particles.

Compost Process Design

We follow various types of compost process design techniques. For instance, we mainly follow the Windrow composting method. It has greater suitability for a wide range of feedstocks.

Grinding and Drying Compost

Our manufacturing units are fully equipped to grind and dry compost without further conditioning. We follow all the processes that grind and dry the compost before packaging.

Mixing Compost with the Organic Nutrients

To mix compost with organic nutrients, we rely on our organic fertilizer production machine. At Green Orchid, we boost the nutrient composition of the composts with our specialised tools. The resultant mix is highly granulated, which boosts the production of crops.

Extensive Screening

Before bulk loading or packaging, we conduct extensive screening to remove the large-sized particles. The particles of our organic compost are uniform which results in easy usage.

The Benefits of Using Organic Compost

Green Orchid is transforming the production of organic fertilisers in Northeast India. With our proven organic fertiliser production line, we allow modern-day farmers to grow crops sustainably. Here are the main benefits of using organic fertilisers.

We Take Proper Care of the Cows on our Farm

Being a responsible dairy farm, we ensure that our cows are adequately maintained. Our farm comprises Jersey, Friesian, Deoni, etc., and cow breeds that let us comply with the customer’s demands. Each cow on our farm receives specialised care based on its condition.

Besides shady green areas, we use sprays and fans to keep them cool. By taking the excellent care of the cows, we ensure the production of a higher quantity of milk. At our farm, the cows receive all types of care to ensure that they produce a higher amount of milk.

Moreover, we also ensure that milking is never forced. What sets us apart is our ability to provide cows with personalised care. As our farm comprises various types of cow breeds, we ensure that they get a planned and wholesome meal daily.

We have in-house nutritionists to make sure the right balance of vitamins and minerals. The total meal ratio is created to keep cows at the pinnacle of health. The main aim of feeding our cows with a wholesome meal is to ensure a higher quality of milk.   

Comprehensive Milk Filtration Techniques

Our sustainable dairy farming business plan is letting us revolutionise Assam’s dairy sector. We deploy a wide variety of milk filtration techniques. We ensure that the bottled milk doesn’t contain any type of particulate. Here are some of the typical milk filtration techniques used by us.

If you have any specific queries related to our dairy farming processes, seek an appointment with us.

To learn how we are bolstering Assam’s organic fertiliser production, consult with us.